SDOC Enrollment Training Notes - Updated (2022 08 06)

QA Key Points

EMB will pull calls randomly or at the request of the client and listen for the following

• Client Accuracy: Did the counselor provide accurate information? (Client Name, OEDates, Landing Page, Effective dates) • Confirmed Demographic Information: Did the counselor confirm the employee and dependent information in the system? • Call Recording Statement: Did the counselor inform the employee the call is being recorded for QA? • Mobile App: (If client has mobile app ) Did counselor ask if the employee has the app downloaded?, mention key features and explain how to download • Pre-Confirmation Statement: Did the counselor: (1) Recite the preconfirmation script? (2) Recap each election including waived benefits? (3) Provide Per pay period deductions and total? Employee gave verbal authorization and confirmed the recapped benefits • Call Quality: Was the call quality clear with no interruptions? (Kids screaming, Music, Static, etc.) • Script: Did the counselor follow the script provided? • Key Points: Did the counselor review the key points provided during training by the client? We understand NOT all calls are the same but following these key points should help keep calls consistent. We take these metrics extremely serious and will consider when selecting enrollers for future telephonic enrollments. Additionally, your training compensation is subject to be withheld based on your review.

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