SDOC Enrollment Training Notes - Updated (2022 08 06)


When does child dependent coverage end?



When Coverage End End of CALENDAR YEAR in which they attain age 26 regardless of student or marital status

New Hires


• 15 days to enroll as of their date of hire • Coverage effective 1 st of the month following date of hire. • NEW HIRES NEED TO COMPLETE TWO ENROLLMENTS: (1) effective through 9/30 and (2) for OE


Dental & Vision End of the YEAR in which they attain age 26 Universal Life Events Children to age 18 attainment, age 24 if FT student Accident Children up to age 26 attainment or marriage, whichever is earlier. Hospital Staypay

Legal Spouse under Federal Law or Domestic Partner (refer to Benefits Web site for info) Child Dependents

• You or your legal spouse’s natural or legally adopted children • Any child for whom you have been appointed legal guardian, court ordered QMSCO • Child of your currently enrolled dependent(grandchild) – from birth to 18 months IF born on plan. • Extended medical coverage: children 26-30 may be eligible for extended medical coverage if a certain criteria is met. • Refer employee to Benefit Specialist if the employee brings his up.

Critical Illness

Children up to age 26 attainment

Explain My Benefits © 2021


SDOC Open Enrollment, Coverage Effective October 1

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