SDOC Enrollment Training Notes - Updated (2022 08 06)

Flexible Spending Accounts


Dependent Care Pay for qualifying dependent care on behalf of dependent child under 13 or a spouse who is incapable of self care, using pre-tax funds

• Used for eligible medical, dental and vision expense. • Must actively elect each year in order to continue account. • Contributions • Minimum contribution $240 • SDOC Contributions $250 IF employee elects to contribute $750 or more • Can carry over up to $570 into next year. • IMPORTANT : Must make FSA election for the coming plan year for any prior plan year balance to roll over. • EBMS Debit card provided • SDOC Limit

IRS contribution limit: $5,000

Make sure the employee knows • Only the amount you have contributed year to date is available at any one time. .

• 2022: 2,750 • 2023: 2,850

• Includes credit or contribution by SDOC (example if SDOC contributes $250 employee max contribution can only be $2,500 ($2,500 + $250 =$2,750)

SDOC Open Enrollment, Coverage Effective October 1

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