SDOC Enrollment Training Notes - Updated (2022 08 06)

Enrollment System Overview & Instructions Enrollment Live Site: Enrollment TEST Site: Login ID: initial of first name+last name_sdoc_2022 Ex: bjacobs_sdoc_2022 Password: welcome1 (only if you have not enrolled sdoc) Otherwise: password reset will be available if you do not remember your password

Login to Live site 1 st

Then Login to the Test site to enroll employees in a TEST environment If you previously enrolled SDOC and forgot password, use the NEED HELP link on EMB Enroll Confirm demographic information – SEND EE to benefits dept to discuss any changes. DO NOT send issue form Must enroll or waive each benefit offered & capture beneficiary info as needed VB: any changes to Hospital & ULE must go through EMB Service using smartsheet VB change form. DO NOT touch these benefits if already elected unless EE is 1000% sure wants to decline. Complete enrollment and send confirmation via email

Watch for Autofill Issues Do Not Have 2 Occurrences of PS Open at one time

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