SDOC Enrollment Training Notes - Updated (2022 08 06)

What Employees See Before Log In Page :

Troubleshooting EMB Enroll Login Issues:

Is Username correct?

Password entered correctly?

• Employees can recover their Username via “Need Help?” Link and providing their last name, date of birth and last four of SSN

• Single digit months and days need a zero in front of them .

Temporary password does not work • Did they type in the temp password or paste it? If they pasted it, ask them to carefully type it. Copying & Pasting sometimes causes space to be picked up • Inquiry how many attempts they have made to enter a correct password: If they have made 4-6 attempts the account is likely locked, please refer them to HR to have the account unlocked and a reset. NOTE : a password reset does not resolve an account lock

Reset Not Received

• Inquiry what email address they are checking for the reset. Resets go to email on file. Does the address they are checking match what is on file? • Share reset email comes from They may be looking for something from EMB Enroll. • Ask if they have checked their Spam /Junk folder • Resets can take a few minutes to receive, when did they request the reset?

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