SDOC Enrollment Training Notes - Updated (2022 08 06)

Inbound Call Script

You do not have to use this word for word. Though you are welcome to do so. What we are looking for you to do is convey helpfulness, frame the call so the employee know what to expect and key content outlined in the Script.

7 Explain My Benefits © 2021 you believe you are covering. I will quickly go through each benefit and highlight what you are not currently enrolled in and make sure you are aware of what they pricing will be come September 1, we will send you an email confirmation and get you on your way” When reviewing please provide a 1-3 sentence description of the declined benefit “I want to keep everything the same” Absolutely, I can help you make sure you elect to keep the benefits you currently have. To ensure that we have you enrolled in the benefits you believe you currently have, continue to cover the dependents


Frame the call (enrollment)

On this call we will verify your demographic information, verify, or add any dependents you will be cover or are considering covering, walk through all your benefit offerings, confirm all your beneficiaries and at the end we will do a review of everything that we have done. As we go through your enrollment, please feel free to stop and ask any questions. My goal is to do exactly what the name of our company says and that is to Explain Your Benefits.

Hello and thank you for calling the EMB Open Enrollment Call Center for the School District of Osceola , my name is [YOUR NAME] how may I help you? May I have your name please? ( if they haven’t provided it already)

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